Josie Amber Wiki

It's kind of a happy story, really. Josie Amber's brother William Amber is getting married in California, and she wants to be with him, but she lives in New Jersey. Finally, she makes her decision, and begins her journey in a new place.


Josie lied down on her bed, thinking intensely, as a simple decision has made her life extremely difficult. Just a few days before, Josie has gotten a letter from her brother, William Amber, informing her that he will be getting married in Woodro, California, a small suburban town. She got up, and headed to the living room.

"Dad, what do you want to do?" Josie asked as her father sat down, watching television. She didn't know how he can be so relaxed about this, but then again, she also knew she was overreacting.

"You should do what you want to do Josie." he replied, turning to her. "It doesn't really matter to your mom and I, it's your decision." Josie thought about this for a second. She had friends in New Jersey, a ton of them. She doesn't want to leave them, but she also wants to be with William for his wedding.

"Why does Willie have to get married in California? Can't he just get married here in New Jersey?" Josie asked, wanting her father's answer to give her a clue of what she wanted. "He wants to live in a new place. Start a new life by himself with Jennifer. Come on Josie, the next flight to California is in two days, you have to make your mind up."

Josie nodded her head and rushed to her room, quietly closing her door. She lied down on her bed once more, thinking. If I do leave New Jersey, I can make plenty of new friends..., she thought to herself. She looked at the letter William gave her again, and it made her want to be with him so much.

Dear Josie,

Hey sis, I'm getting married in a couple of days, and I want everyone to be with me, you know, to celebrate this important event! It would really mean much to me if you could come, but if you can't, I understand. I'll give you pics. So yeah, just think hard, alright Josie?

Your brother, William

After reading it once more, she made up her mind. Josie hurried back to the living room screaming, "Let's go to California!". Her father looked at her and smiled, and called Josie's mom. They prepared to leave their New Jersey house, and packed for their new California home.

In the airport, Josie said bye to all of her friends. With tears in their eyes, and tears in her own, she waved to them. "Bye guys...stay in touch." Josie made her signature heart figure with her hands, and turned around. She headed her way into the airplane, and looked out the window as her father put the luggage into the storage compartments.

"You ready Josie?" Josie nodded at her father, and the person who serves food on the airplane made sure everyone was on board.

"Brian Amber, Josie Amber?" the lady asked, and Josie and her father nodded. The lady smiled and continued her job.

The airplane ride was extremely long. Brian fell right asleep, while Josie couldn't stop missing her friends. She watched the clouds pass by as she thought about what California will be like. She drank her water, hoping everything will be okay.

As the plane stopped, Josie woke up from her little nap. She saw Brian getting their luggage, and she got up. "You were sleeping for a while Josie." Brian said, smiling. "Dad, you slept like a log, so hush you." Josie smiled. She felt like she got this from someone, but wasn't sure.

Exiting the airport, Brian and Josie made their way to Wendy Amber's house, Josie's mother. "Mom!" Josie cried out, dropping her bags and running to hug her.

"Josie! Brian!" Wendy, tears in her eyes, hugged them all. Behind her, William and Jennifer approached them. "Oh my gosh, Willie!" Josie hugged William, and hugged Jennifer also.

"I'm glad you can make it Josie!" Jennifer said, and William nodded. "I am too, so how was the plane ride?" Josie grinned, and looked at Brian. "I slept next to bigfoot." Brian flushed with embarrassment, and nudged Josie on her side, making her laugh more.

"Now, Josie, let's show you your room." Wendy said, and motioned Josie to the house. The house was big, with four bedrooms. Josie's bedroom was the one closest to the kitchen, which was so big Josie couldn't help but comment about its beauty.

When they reached her bedroom, Josie's mouth opened in happiness. "It's so pretty!" she cried out, loving the pink walls. "We knew you would like it." Wendy smiled, and looked at Brian. "Hmm, we'll leave you to unpack. Apparently your father doesn't want to help you."

Josie smiled, happy everyone is together again. William closed her bedroom door, and she got her bag. I made the right decision, she thought. She took a picture of her friends from New Jersey out of her bag, and smiled. I'll miss you guys. I'm going to make new friends, but you will never leave my heart.
